
It often comes the situations that you want to catch a special signal/interruption/user input in your script to prevent the unpredictables.

Trap is your command to try:

  • trap <arg/function> <signal>


# traptest.sh
# notice you cannot make Ctrl-C work in this shell, 
# try with your local one, also remeber to chmod +x 
# your local .sh file so you can execute it!

trap "echo Booh!" SIGINT SIGTERM
echo "it's going to run until you hit Ctrl+Z"
echo "hit Ctrl+C to be blown away!"

while true        
    sleep 60       

Surely you can substitute the "echo Booh!" with a function:

function booh {
	echo "booh!"

and call it in trap:


Some of the common signal types you can trap:

  • SIGINT: user sends an interrupt signal (Ctrl + C)

  • SIGQUIT: user sends a quit signal (Ctrl + C)

  • SIGFPE: attempted an illegal mathematical operation

You can check out all signal types by entering the following command:

kill -l

Notice the numbers before each signal name, you can use that number to avoid typing long strings in trap:

#2 corresponds to SIGINT and 15 corresponds to SIGTERM
trap booh 2 15	

one of the common usage of trap is to do cleanup temporary files:

trap "rm -f folder; exit" 2


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